Monday, February 28, 2011

Music Madness

Big music weekend.  What was cool was that the music we saw was from opposite ends of the spectrum.

Friday night:
"Put it in the Dumpsta!"
All of the friends (BFF(A) & husband, BFF(J) & husband, myself & Xing Fu), went down to the 8X10 to listen to a New Orleans Funk band with a bunch of the Neville Brothers playing: Dumpstaphunk.  We also caught the tail-end of another great band from L.A. called Orgone.  Great horns.  We enjoyed the groove, danced a bunch, and then remembered that it was almost the beginning of Mardi Gras--(March 8th is Fat Tuesday)--even better.  It was a great time with the besties, even if we had to hike to BFF(J)'s hubby's car about 3 miles away...& me without my jacket.  

Saturday Night:
  We went to see a "semi-staged" production of The Magic Flute at the BSOXing Fu had never been to the opera &  I thought that this might be a good intro as he loves Mozart (as do I) and that it was a bit condensed (narrator for the in-between bits) as opposed to the entire performance.  The leads wore costumes & it was actually quite humorous as they interacted with the narrator & at one point Papageno flirted with the conductor.  The Queen of the Night's second aria was just amazing--the skill needed for that particular piece--  After it was over, Xing Fu accused me of taking him to a chick flick---hardly--women are considered secondary supports & evil (Queen of the Night)--hardly a chick flick theme...ah well.  Regardless of his erroneous conclusions, we had a good time & met one of his friends from work afterward for dessert--finally had the flan & creme brulee we've been after.

I think Xing Fu said it best in the following email I received this morning: "Good friends, good music, good food, good times together."  Yup--my response was that we've enjoyed many such weekends & will have many more.

1 comment:

Incognito said...

You know how I feel about music; it makes the world go 'round and brings people together for good. Funny about Xing Fu's "chick flick" remark and I always use the "good friends, good music, good food" when touting my house concert series.

Just another way to grow ever closer; happy for you.

My month was eclectic in the way your weekend was; first weekend had Caleb Hawley (late of American Idol fame) with Rachel Platten and Craig Meyer (check them out; very talented and super friendly); second weekend was a fundraiser with big band music; third weekend was Pierce Pettis, whom I consider a "songwriter's songwriter; last weekend was Russian-born Israeli concert pianist Victor Goldberg. Rounding out five shows in five weeks is Craig Bickhardt, who is a 27-year Nashville veteran who has written for a lot of big names in country music. Covering quite a few genres in that time span.

Also, check this out; very nice shout-out for the work I do --