Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hot, Cool & Green Salads

I'm trying to figure out what happened to the bull. I think he was replaced by a guy who wants to have a relationship with me...I got a text this morning indicating that he wasn't sure which day this weekend he'd be available because of his son. Which really didn't surprise me too much. I told him about tentative plans that my bff (1) & I talked about for Saturday. He texted back that he'd call me back. When he did our conversation was about future plans with our sons & the ski trip that he insists we plan this weekend. He also was very excited about going out Saturday night, if he can, because he says how much he enjoys my bff(1) & her husband's company. It was amazing because in the past he's been so guarded about planning anything beyond the next weekend & even then he says I pressure now all of a sudden he wants to get the boys together Saturday too, wanting my son to stay with his grandparents in Bethesda Friday night & then picking up the boys in the morning to do something together. Needless to say, I am cautiously optimistic & hope this is a turning point--if we do all he says he wants to do...

I have a friend who's about 19 or 20 years old. I feel like I'm sort of a mentor to him--he's had a few problems figuring out how to be responsible so we talk about stuff. I'll call him Salad. For the past few months he's been coming over every once in a while to hang out a little. So the other day he sends me a text asking about my boyfriend & how things are going with him. I'm a bit puzzled by this because why should he care until he begins asking me questions about whether or not I'd be interested in a "different" kind of relationship with him. At which point I definitely get where he's going with this. I tell him that I'm flattered but why would he be interested in someone so much older than he is. He tells me that I'm cool to hang out with, pretty hot, and he is interested in expanding our friendship beyond just nice. But again I don't relish the idea of being a Cougar for him. Hmmmm, then again I hear 20 year olds are like the energizer bunny......


Ros said...

Salad. Snort.

Anonymous said...

The other problem with the young guys:

This happens pretty frequently.

I'm just saying.

Unknown said...

Heh--THAT is FUNNY!!