Wednesday, May 27, 2009

West on Wednesday

Can't seem to go too long without getting back out on the water. Back down on the West River, doing the Wednesday night races. My son & I climb into our car & high-tail it back down to Galesville to hop on board again. This crew is so good--like clockwork--makes my fumblings on Sunday look, well, like fumblings...but here is where I'll learn & then apply. I am just grateful to be included--my son as well--he just loves the experience. And, bless them, they didnt give me too much grief about my altered state on Saturday night after the race.

We had light air but we did very well--second place. I love it when things go well. I was back in the pit--getting to know this boat a bit more & what I need to do to be better on the team. My son, also enthusiastically, was up on the fore-deck helping with the spinnaker. Turning the marks were particularly good--the driver just made it so smooth. Too bad it was such a short race but again--just being part of this talented crew is worth it--& I get to join them again on Saturday for the Shearwater Twilight Race--Yehaw!!

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