Thursday, December 23, 2010

Table Squared

"The Moon continues in Leo, creating a warm and friendly holiday glow. Parties and other social gatherings should be fun and entertaining as Leo lights up the dark nights of winter with a solar flare. Romance and good times are abundant now, so stay alert for opportunities."

--Cancer horoscope 

This is becoming a recurring posting of my horoscope on the 23rd of December & so is our lunch becoming a tradition--in fact we've decided it.  We met for lunch at the same place we did last year right before the holiday break. And there was certainly a glow.  We walked in & the hostess brought us to the exact same table as last year.  Xing Fu asked me if I'd called ahead to reserve the table--I hadn't.  Just further proof that it was all meant to be.  He said that they need a sign to put over the table, "Ours".  Just gotta smile at that.

Xing Fu also brought the little happiness symbol that I gave him--so romantic that he remembered it & brought it--such a great guy!  We commented that last year we were in a far different place than now.  We have moved into the "mature" relationship phase of things.  Last year our conversation (what I remember of it & it ain't much) revolved around more of a discovery of one another as friends & now we talked about the logistics of the upcoming break & what we'd be doing together--a party, geocaching, fixing stuff around the house--the mundane.  Maybe not as exciting, but certainly wonderfully comfortable, if not rather domestic.  Actually, it was very nice & the conversation did turn to the romantic by the end of lunch.  What a difference a year makes.  It has been a very quick year to be sure.  And I am quite happy to be where we are.

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