Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Post of the Year

Been quite a year for me--an incredible one.  I wrote last year how I thought that 2010 was going to be a big one--I was right.  So here's to the end of a great year for me, & my kid & on to another forward-thinking & moving year.  A top ten of 2010 in no particular order:

1. My son's Bar Mitzvah
2. Great sailing & racing on the Chesapeake
3. Making some incredible new friends
4. Seeing Spoon twice
5. Seeing great music
6. Wine tasting with the BFFs
7. Raven's game
8. Much more laughter than tears
9. January 2010
10. Xing Fu

There are many more events, people, examples, etc., but yes, an incredible year and mostly a positive one--lucky me.  

Resolutions?  Continue working to become a better mom, friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend, aunt; a better me.   And looking forward to a great 2011!  

Happy New Year to all!