Sunday, June 6, 2010

And So It Goes....

I'm a bit amused when I think back on my experiences with dating--and boy, were there a lot.  The other day I happened on the "Dating in Smalltimore"  edition of Baltimore Magazine & reread what I'd said.  Since I'm now "officially off the market", that chapter of my life is somewhat over--strangely when I was dating the Bull, I didn't feel that way at all when I wrote(must have been something to do with that other woman...).  Now I definitely do and I'm thinking back on all those missed-the-mark guys & those very interesting first dates, & I think to myself that while it was certainly a fun time (uh-huh, right....), I don't miss it at all.  Xing Fu has remarked that he's very relieved that he isn't having to go through the "dating after divorce saga".  He claims that he wouldn't know what to do--my reply was that I was glad to be of service...but I think he'd manage just fine after a few outings (but I'm very happy that he isn't). 

Although a lot of the dudes I went out with are a blur, I sometimes wonder what happened to a few (Amsterdam, drop-in dude, ex-evangelical priest, drummer-boy, cameraman, to name but very few)of them.  Did they find their bashert?  Did they go back to their exes?  Did they follow their over-the-top texting behaviors for days on end & then disappear routines? Did they continue to look for the cookie-cutter woman who was just like their ex?  Did they continue to play those BS games that some tried with me? And what was it that I saw in them in the first place?  Why is it that Xing Fu fits so much better than anyone else (a very good thing)?  And funny that when we met last April, neither of us saw that (even if I did ask about him out of general curiosity).  It is wonderful that I find it so easy to be with him--things just flow & yeah, as I've said, we have our bumps, but they're not ever (so far) that bad.  Big, Cheesy, Grin...I am content & that searching is the challenge shifts to not fucking it up(my mom says that to me--I told her to stop saying that).  

Now we shift from "Adventures in Dating" to "Adventures in Relationships".  Navigating these waters have been just as interesting and I'm learning so much here too--hopefully how to do it right this time, making sure the kid is in a good place (as best can be), and keeping the joy & humor intact.  And making sure to go sailing as much as possible (not sailing is a HUGE deal-breaker!)--no protest from Xing Fu there at all.

Ah, but soon the family descends upon us(a new chapter in "Adventures in Relationships").....eek!


Sziltó said...

What a great post! I like it. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what 于呈均名 said.

Future Librarian said...

Having shifted back into adventures in dating, I can tell ya, it's pretty darn stressful sometimes! And in midlife, it seems most of the good men have been taken and kept!