Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ready, Set....


It's beginning--the family is descending upon us....not a bad thing, but now all this prep is becoming a reality.  Not sure I'm ready for prime time yet.  I'm nervous & stressed but my kid--cool as cool can be--go figure, mebbe Saturday will be a different story.  I was so tense yesterday (mostly because of work related stuff), that I if it was a Wednesday anyway).  Good race--only 3 of us crewing but we made it around the course & didn't finish at the bottom.

But I digress, this Bar Mitzvah thingy has really taken on a life of it's own.  I worry about the family dynamics (of which there are at least a few), my ex & his baggage (praying he's on his best & least obtrusive behavior), all the little details that we haven't thought about, etc., etc., etc.,....all I want to do right now is escape...Calgon, take me away!

I am quite excited & proud of my kiddo--he really has great presence & has got this truly under control--he's treated the whole experience with the right attitude, with respect, & with what I feel is true understanding--he's studied hard & consistently practiced.  I think he can look back on his day Saturday and see that he did "become a man" in some ways.  Right now he's gone to the baseball game with his cousins--glad he has the opportunity, as I did last night, to unwind & not think about Saturday & its implications.  But I, time to hit the ground much to do, so little time.

1 comment:

Incognito said...

Everything is going to be good; I think you give the ex too much of your energy. He will be who he will be and the day will still be perfect no matter what. How you carry yourself is another matter; your energy and your pride in your child is what will shine today--keep that in mind as you face this important day in your son's life. It is his day and no one else matters. See you in a few hours!